How can stickers build retention for my business?

The first thing that comes to mind for me is QR code stickers. For example, let's say you own an ice cream shop.

When your customer goes to check out, have them scan a QR code sticker near your register or check out. That QR code takes them to an account set up for your ice cream shop to save 10% instantly.

You've got them hooked if you can collect phone numbers and email. Every time they're sitting on the couch late at night, after the park with their families, or even when they're just getting off work.

Now, they can get that notification from your store (which WILL trigger the craving in their heads). So you've just directly associated your brand with a desire.

Simply thanks to a sticker.

Sometimes, it's the simplest things that can turn your business around. It doesn't always have to be an ice cream shop. You can do this with a restaurant, bar, gift shop, dealership, etc.

The goal is to win the customer from every aspect: the joy, the afterthought, and the return.

Do they get free stickers? That's the joy.
Do they think about you after they leave your store? Afterthought.
Did they come back? The return.

Thank you for joining Sticker Shuttles Retention: 101 class. Get started today and build your custom stickers!

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